As Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor, our actions arise from our identity as women born of the Greatest Love and as women called to journey in simplicity with our crucified sisters and brothers on every continent. Through ministries of education and human promotion, evangelization and faith formation, and pastoral care among the suffering, we strive to touch each person with the love of the Lord. In our ministerial efforts, we seek to collaborate with and empower lay persons. Our ministries find us in a wide variety of ecclesial and other settings as we continually discern together the most pressing emergent needs and a creative response to the Gospel’s challenge.
We foster the encounter with Jesus our Savior, breaking the bread of the Word, so that He may be accepted as the greatest good. We are involved in catechesis at all levels, RCIA, sacramental processes, formation of the laity, youth and young adult ministry, and vocation ministry.
Our ministries respond to a variety of needs and our Canossian Sisters work through parishes, schools, community social agencies, and hospitals.